Stereo Tests

Random Dot 2 with Lea Symbols®

 Random Dot 2 Stereopsis Test with Lea Symbols®

Butterfly S

The Butterfly Stereopsis Test- Standard Shapes

Butterfly Test with LEA Symbols®

Butterfly Stereopsis Test with LEA Symbols®

PASS Test™ 1

Preschool Assessment of Stereopsis with a Smile 1

PASS Test™ 2

Preschool Assessment of Stereopsis with a Smile 2

PASS Test™ 3

Preschool Assessment of Stereopsis with a Smile 3

Random Dot 1 - A

Random Dot 1 - Standard Shapes

Random Dot 2 - S

Random Dote 2 with Standard Shapes

Random Dot with LEA Symbols®

Random Dot Stereopsis Test with LEA Symbols®

Stereo Fly with Lea Symbols

Stereo Fly with Lea Symbols ® Classic Test

The Fly-S Stereopsis Test

Fly  Steropsis Test with Standard Shapes